viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

Claves para apuntarse a las clases de Google Classroom

Hola chic@s,

Estas son las claves para entrar en cada una de mis clases en Google Classroom:

- 4ºA: 3zknqaz

- 4ºB: x6hdpgp

- 4ºC: 2ejvyx5

- 1ºFG (HMC): 7zdz4yf

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

Europe conquers the world

Investment, business, journey, conquest, rivalry, troops, clash, disputes, uprising, raw materials.
To seek, to carry out, to map, to take advantage, to recruit, to inhabit, to exploit.

1.    Answer the following questions about the texts:
a)    How would you define ‘imperialism’ according to the text?
b)   What was the main objective of imperialism?
c)    What did the explorers do in Central Africa? Why did they have to do this?
d)   Choose one of these explorers and look for information on his biography. Make a summary with the most important facts of his life (3-4 lines).
e)   What was the objective of the Berlin Conference?
f)     Name the main disputes that happened after the Berlin Conference. Name the countries involved in them, too.
g)    Was China occupied by the European powers? Justify your answer.
h)   What was the difference between exploitation colonies and settler colonies?

Causas del Imperialismo

miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020

Segunda Revolución Industrial

Hola a todos/as,
Ya estoy de vuelta, con ganas de veros y retomar las clases. Os dejo un mapa conceptual sobre lo próximo que trabajaremos. Hasta pronto